Most of the watered eyes were tears of joy, mixed with some sniffles of disappointment as the casting list for "Beauty and the Beast " was posted at the end of Saturday's session. Group A student Alesandra (Ray-Ray) Harper, 9 years old, was ecstatic when she discovered she had won the role of "Chip," the part she specifically auditioned for. "I felt really good and excited, "Ray-Ray said. "I did a lot of work and it paid off."
However, there will be two Chips gracing the stage this coming season--in fact, there will be two of every role--since this year AGC will mount two separate productions of "Beauty."
Group A students Ray-Ray Harper and Alexandria Elam
The second show will feature AGC's youngest actors under a production entitled "Beauty and the Beast--TOO!" "The A group came in so strong, that we felt we just had to highlight their talents as well," said resident director Denise Dowse. "By having a second show just for Group A it would also provide them with a stronger training experience."
The young actors will participate in the other show as well, where they will perform as part of the ensemble. However parents need not fear an over abundance of rehearsals. "I'll schedule group A actors to rehearse on weekends only," said Dowse, "And I'm sure Wendy will rehearse their show on Fridays or Saturdays. I'm excited for them."
And from the gleeful sounds erupting in the hallway this past Saturday afternoon, it was evident that the noted director wasn't the only one who was excited.
OMG i am so excited as well i am in group and i recieved the role for mrs. potts. I know its alot of responsibilty but i can take the challenge to make Beuty in the Beast- TOO!! a sucessful production.
-Jordan-Amanda Hall
I am also excited to do this production. i just know it's going to be BOMB!!!!!!!
AGC shows always have me at the tip of my chair. It's going to be a wonderful production.
Go Mrs. Potts!
P.S: The whole blog site idea is genius.
i cant wait till' the shows i luv AGC so much i got the role i wanted it is in BEAUTY TOO! i am soooo happy!!!
i cant wait until the show and the fashion show. i know bout of them will be a success they always are. i luv agc so much and every1 in it. even know i dont have a big role i am goin to have as much fun as i can!
~bookseller's assiant
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